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How do Israelis React When We Tell Them The Truth About Jesus?
Life is not always simple when you have made it your purpose to spread the truth about Yeshua (Jesus) in Israel. That's exactly what we...
Jews are Getting to Know Jesus | Do You Play Your Role as a Christian?
Jews are getting closer to Jesus, and that is wonderful news, not only for Jews but also for Christians! This is the main message of this...
The Truth: Atheism vs Faith
In this thought-provoking video, we explore the age-old debate of atheism vs faith. Which makes more sense to you - belief in a higher...
Can You be Happy Without Faith?
Happiness cannot last. Or can it? What makes happiness real? And why should anyone feel happy in a world that is infected by death? Join...
Jews and Christians: Different religion — same faith!
Delve into the intricate bond between Jews and Christians through the insightful perspective of an Israeli Jew who embraces Yeshua...
What do Israelis think about Jesus (Yeshua)?
Join us on a comprehensive exploration as we delve into the multifaceted views of Israelis towards Jesus and Christianity. In this...
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